The regulations — Страница 4

07 марта 2023 | 20:16

Программы Документы Программы Первый Омский международный конкурс оперных певцов имени Бориса Рубашкина. 1993 г.

Первый Омский международный конкурс оперных певцов имени Бориса Рубашкина. 1993 г. — The regulations

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The regulations

The contest is held by the Omsk State musical theatre, Omsk region Administration, the Culture and Art committee of Omsk region Administration and the Direction for Republican and international contests of the Ministry of Culture of Russian Federation.

In the contest can participate men and women not younger than 18 and not older than 35 years old.

For participation it is necessary to send by post the following documents before the st of July of 1993:

  1. the birth-certificate copy
  2. the copy of the musical education certificate
  3. the autobiography
  4. the reference of the musical institution or the references from the two well-known figures in music art
  5. 3 black-and-white glossy photoes measuring a post-card and two measuring passport size, all signed on the other side with the mane of its’ owner
  6. the entrance fee of 50 US dollars for foreign participants and of 2000 rubles for the participants from the countries — members of the Community of independent states should be payed in the Omsk musical theatre’s box-office
  7. the programme for each round.

The documents should be sent to the address of: Omsk, 644024, 10 let Oktyabrya street, house, 2 the Omsk State musical theatre.

The organizing committee leaves itself the right to limit the number of participants. Admitted to the contest participants would be informed by the organizing committee before the 15-th of August 1993.


The Jury membership:

  • Evgeny Raikov — the Peoples’ artist, soloist, director of the opera staff of the State Academy Bolshoi Theatre of Russia, the chairman of the jury
  • Joseph Walnig — professor of Zalzburg conservatoire «Mozarteum»
  • Kurt Malm — professor of Vienna conservatoire
  • Galina Olenichenko — Peoples’ artist of Russian Federation
  • Aleksei Popov — Honoured art worker of Russian Federation
  • Erikh Rozen — Honoured art worker of Russian Federation, the chief-conductor of the Omsk State musical theatre

The organizing committee covers the expenses (hotel and meals) only for participants of the contest and their leaders during the period of their participation in the contest. The participants and leaders who live in Omsk permanently are not provided with hotel and meals.

In the case of necessity the organizing committee offer the participants free of pay leaders and 60-minutes rehearsal before each round.

The organizing committee indemnify for the way back tickets cost in rubles for the participants of the finals.

For all prize-winners it is obligatory to participate free of fee in the closing concerts (not more than in two).

The contest prize-winners are obliged to perform on the tours offered by the organizing committee.


The established awards are:

  1. Grand Prix — 200000 rubles
  2. st premium — 150000 rubles (male and female voices)
  3. nd premium — 100000 rubles (male and female voices)
  4. rd premium — 75000 rubles (male and female voices)
  5. The diplomas for the finals’ participants — 250000 rubles each
  6. Special Boris Rubashkin prix.

The jury has the right to award the contest participants with special prizes and the best leaders — with diplomas.

The organizing committee leaves itself the right for the broadcast, recording and distribution of contest’ audio and video materials without additional fee.

The contest prize-winners will get a benefit performance in the Omsk musical theatre.

The contest will be held in three rounds. For the second round there will be admitted not more than half number of the first round’ participants. For the third round there will be admitted not more than ten participants.

The programme

First round: each participant has to perform the programme of his own choice (duration not more than 15 minutes).

Second round: the programme of the participant’s choosing (duration not more than 30 minutes).

Third round: two works from the following list chosen by the participant accompanied by the Symphonic orchestra of Omsk Philharmonic Society:

  • G. Bizet. Habahera from «Carmen» opera
  • G. Bizet. Recitative and aria of Michaela from «Carmen» opera
  • G. Bizet. Aria of Jose (with a flower) from «Carmen» opera
  • G. Bizet. Escamigllo’s couplets from «Carmen» opera
  • G. Verdi. Germon’s aria from «Traviata» opera
  • G. Verdi. Desdemona’s song (about a willow) from «Otello» opera
  • G. Verdi. Glida’s prelude and aria from «Rigoletto» opera
  • G. Verdi. Violetta’s prelude and aria from «Traviata» opera
  • G. Verdi. Aboli’s aria (My beauty) from «Don Carlos» opera
  • G. Verdi. Leonora’s aria from «The power of the fate» opera
  • G- Verdi. Azuchena’s aria (The flame is glowing) from «Troubadour» opera
  • G. Verdi. Duke’s ballade from «Rigoletto» opera
  • G. Verdi. Duke’s song from «Rigoletto» opera
  • G. Verdi. Otello’s aria from «Otello» opera
  • Gounod. Margareta’s aria and ballade from «Faust» opera
  • Gounod. Mephistophel’s couplets from «Faust» opera
  • R. Leoncavallo. Canio’s arioso from «Clowns» opera
  • W. Mozart. Aria of the Queen of the Night from «The magic flute» opera
  • W. Mozart. Papageno’s aria (I am the most adroit fowler) from «The magic flute» opera
  • W. Mozart. Cerlina’s aria from «Don Juan» opera
  • W. Mozart. Leporello’s aria (with the list) from «Don Juan» opera
  • W. Mozart. Figaro’s aria from «Figaro’s wedding» opera
  • G. Puccini. Cio-Cio-san s aria (In a fine day desired) from «Cio-Cio-san» opera
  • G. Rossini. Rosina’s cavatina (In a midnight silence) from «Sevillian barber» opera
  • G. Rossini. Don Basilio’s aria from «Sevillian barver» opera
  • Rossini. Figaro’s cavatina from «Sevillian barber» opera
  • A. Borodin. Prince Igor’s aria from «Prince Igor» opera
  • A. Borodin. Recitative and song of Galitsky from «Prince Igor» opera
  • M. Glinka. Susanin’s aria from «Ivan Susanin» opera
  • M. Glinka. Ludmila’s cavatina from «Ruslan and Ludmila» opera
  • Dargomyzgsky. Miller’s aria from «The mermaid» opera
  • M. Musorgsky. Varlaam’s song from «Boris Godunov» opera
  • S. Rakhmaninov. Aleko’s aria from «Aleko» opera
  • N. Rimsky-Korsakov. The Varangian guest’s aria from «Sadko» opera
  • P. Tchaikovsky. Iolanta’s arioso from «Iolanta» opera
  • P. Tchaikovsky. Robert’s aria from «Iolanta» opera
  • P. Tchaikovsky. Scene with Tatyana’s letter from «Evgeny Onegin» opera
  • P. Tchaikovsky. Liza’s scene and arioso from «The Queen of spades» opera
  • P. Tchaikovsky. Prince’s aria from «The Queen of spades» opera
  • P. Tchaikovsky. German’s aria (What is our life?) from «The Queen of spades» opera
  • P. Tchaikovsky. Mazepa’s arioso from «Mazepa» opera

The works that have ever been performed once during any of rounds of the contest can’t be repeated.


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  • Первый Омский международный конкурс оперных певцов имени Бориса Рубашкина. 1993 г.
  • Условия конкурса
  • Программа
  • The regulations
  • АБИЯКИЙ ТАТЬЯНА (сопрано)
  • БАЙБУРИНА ЗУХРА (меццо-сопрано)
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  • БЕЛОВА ИРИНА (контральто)
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  • БОБРОВА ТАТЬЯНА (сопрано)
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  • ГУРНОВИЧ МАРИНА (сопрано)
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  • ЗАРОТИАДИ ЮРИЙ (тенор)
  • ЗУБАЧЕВА ЕЛЕНА (сопрано)
  • КАЗБЕКОВА ЗАРЕТА (сопрано)
  • КАРПОВА МАРИНА (сопрано)
  • КАСАТАЯ ЭЛЕОНОРА (сопрано)
  • КЕЛЛЕР ЛИЛИЯ (меццо-сопрано)
  • КОЖЕВНИКОВА ИРИНА (меццо-сопрано)
  • КРАСНОВ ПАВЕЛ (баритон)
  • КУКСГАУЗЕН НАТАЛЬЯ (меццо-сопрано)
  • МАКАРОВА МАРИНА (сопрано)
  • МИНДРИН СЕРГЕЙ (тенор)
  • МИНЯЕВА ДИНАРА (сопрано)
  • МОРОЗОВА ЕЛЕНА (сопрано)
  • НАЙДА СЕРГЕЙ (тенор)
  • НЕЗВАНОВА ЕЛЕНА (сопрано)
  • НЕЛАСОВ ДМИТРИЙ (баритон)
  • НЕСТЕРОВА ОЛЬГА (сопрано)
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  • СЕМИКОВА ЕЛЕНА (меццо-сопрано)
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  • СОМИКОВА ЛИЛИЯ (меццо-сопрано)
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