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Арлекин 1994 год — English version

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by «SITEK Co» in cooperation with «KALEIDOSCOPE» PLUS PUBLISHING”, New York, 1994

The Omsk Region Puppet Theatre opened it’s First season in 1936 with production called «Kashtanka». In the early nineties it became clear that the theatre company was seeking to create a new theatre — universal and syntetic one-focused to serve the audience of different age groups, and where actors could fulfil their artistic ambitions and talents. There fore, in 1992 the theatre acquired the new name: Omsk State Theatre of Puppets actors and masks «Harlequin».


Actors of the Omsk Puppets theatre take active part in theatrical life of Russia. Every year they present their work at different festivals; competitions, theatrical reviews and contests suchas: in 1983 in Abacan — «Cinderella»; 1986 in Tomsk — «Warm bread»; 1986 in Moscow — «Mess-Mend»; 1990 in Arkchangelsk — «A duckling called Grey neck» at all Russia festival «Snaie»; 1993 in Minsk — “Tale about Vania” — at international Ruppet Theatre festival; 1994 in St. Petersburg — “Morozko” at international festival “Nevsky Pierro”.


In 1994 the theatre was invited to participate at the international festival in Plzen, Czechia with the production “Tale about Vania” and at the Third New Days of Baltic Sea Puppet Theatre festival in Finland with the production “Morozko”.

A modern puppet theatre can not exist without classical forms. Following this rule our theatre constantly turns to “screen” perfomances, preserving the “old school” traditions of puppet manipulation.


Т. Gabbe Cinderella (1983)

Director — Е. Borisova

Designer — О. Verovkina


G. С. Andersen Thumbalina (1992)

Director — В. Salamchev Designer — N. Nikolenko

S. Kogan, S. Efremov One more time about Red Riding Hood (1992)

Director — S. Evstratenko

Designer — O. Verovkina

Composer — V. Slagaev


Vasily Evstratenko

Honored Artist of Russia, Artistik director.


He has been in the theatre since 1963 as an actor. In 1986 he was appointed managing director, then he became artistic director. He graduated from State Theatre University in 1982, High School of Theatre Managers in 1990. Now he is Chairman of the board of the Omsk Theatre Worker Union.


S. Marshak The Little House (1993)

Director — В. Salamchev

Designer — O. Verovkina

Boris Salamchev Resident producing director

Olga Verovkina — Chief designer

The theatre proposes such shows to the audience where actors and puppets simultaneously co-exist on the stage, mutually completing each other: “Rhinoceros and giraffe”, “Scary mr. Ahoy”, “Three Piglets”.


Н. Miakelia by translation by E. Uspensky Scary Mr. Ahoy (1984)

Director — L Shurinova Designer — O. Verovkina Composer — I. Heifets Lyrics — S. Denisenko

S. Mlchalkov V. Shvamberger Three Piglets (1993)

Director — В. Salamchev Designer — O. Verovkina


Rhinoceros and giraffe (1985) Director — L. Shurinova Designer — M. Toropova Composer — V. Slagaev Lyrics — E. Mironova

Stanislav Dubkov Deputy Artistic Director


Tale about Uncle

Tale about Yania


Inessa Rubtsova

Consultant on work with children


Uri Potapenko Light designer

Julia Salnikova Consultant on repetoire.

The neverlasting fairy tale — thus we may conventionally call productions shown on this page. These productions are based on Russian folktales taken from the book of folktales collection by A. N. Afanasiev.

Tale about an Uncle (1989), Tale about an Orphan (1993), “Tale about Vania” (1991). Authors of these productions:

Director — B. Salamchev

Designer — O. Verovkina.


Tale about Orphan

Emira Urakova, Honoured actress of Russia

Edward Urakov, Honoured actor of Russia

The director and disigner in productions like “A duckling called Grey Neck” (1988) and “Morozko” (1992) the most important ones are the ones who tell the story and how they do it. That’s why in the centre of the house among the audience a “magic house” appears, theatre in theatre, the story teller theatre.


A duсling called “Grey neck”

«МОРОЗКО» Morozko (1992)


Svetlana Bobkova actress

Boris Busorgin actor

Gennady Vlasov actor

D. N. Mamin-Sibiriak


A duсling called “Grey neck” (1988)

Director — В. Salamchev

Designer — O. Verovkina,



Director — B. Salamchev

Designer — O. Verovkina


A duсling called “Grey neck»


Svetlana Evstratenko actress

Nina Isaeva actress

Valery Isaev actor


Many well-known directors, playwrights, designers are glad to work with our theatre; among them are Honoured Artist of Russia R. Vinderman, L. Petrova, A. Tchernova, V. Durgin, I. Uvarova, M. Husid, V. Menchov, P. Shenkchoff.

Evening repertoire for adults is closely connected with the name of a playwright and director U. Freedman.


Mess — Mend (1987)

Director — U. Freedman
Designer — I. Uvarova
Composer — V. Slagaev
Lyrics — E. Mironova

This production is based an a novell by M. Shaginjan.

Scenic version by V. Menshov.

In our production the results of a tragic farce, that took place in Russia in the beginning of century, suddenly turned out to have forms of a circus show with elements of a street theatre and roaming performers.


Nina Kazakova actress

Natalia Kuznetsova actress

Vladimir Kuznetsov actor

Elena Kochanova actress

Victor Leonov actor

Alla Salamcheva actress


Н. Boychev, translation by U. Sidorov, P. Viltchev “As Frenchmen say… ”(1988)

Director — U. Freedman

Set designer — P. Shenkchoff

Poems by В. Pasternak, V. Visotsky,

A. Bashlatchev are used in this production.

The characters in the parable by Bolgarian playwright H. Boichev are trying to solve the same problems that the modern society is faced with today. That was the reason to include the “absurd theatre” play in the repertoire of our theatre.

An old story created by the german romantic poet and composer. The playwrightr, director and designer got interested with the eternal theme of collision between the illusory and real life.


As Frenchmen say…


Edward Pavlintsev actor

Tamara Sviridenko actress

Irene Safronova actress


U. Sidorov,“A rose and a spider” (1992)

Based on the fairy tale by E. T. Goffman “Dwarf Zaches nicknamed Zinnober

Director — B. Salamchev

Set design, puppets, costumes — O. Verovkina

Trying to correspond to the term “synthetic” our theatre made a joint-production of a buffo — opera together with the Omsk musical theatre in 1994.


J. Offenbach “Blue beard«

Libretto by V. Pankov

Musical director and conductor — G. Komarovsky

Director — U. Freedman

Designer — O. Verovkina

Chorus Leader — E. Borodina

Choreographer — V. Tzaptashvily,


Honoured Artist of Russia Assistant director — N. Kuznetzova


Elena Shemet actress

Larisa Shniakina actress

Veronika Berman actress

Ideia Solovieva dresser

Vladimir Buyanov stage manager

Natalia Mesinger stage manager

Evgeny Zikunov engineer

Boris Kudriavtsev Alexander Baturin sound engineers

Evgeny Ezkov Andrei Haibulov Alexander Volodin stage hands

Scenic version — U. Sidorov, A. Tchernova Director — U. Freedman Set design, puppets, costumes — V. Durgin,  A. Tchernova

Composer — E. Hoffman Performer — Honoured Artist of Russia E. Urakov

Our Theatre dedicated its “one man show” production to the 100th anniversary of the Russian and Jewish Literature classic Sholom Aleikcham.


The enchanted tailor” (1994)

Preliminary version of set design of production “The enchanted tailor”

Scenic version — U. Sidorov, A. Tchernova Director — U. Freedman Set design, puppets, costumes — V. Durgin,

A. Tchernova Composer — E. Hoffman Performer — Honoured Artist of Russia E. Urakov

Daria Alexandrova
sculptor and properly maker

Lidia Plechanova
painter and ptoperty maker

Viacheslav Kichigin
puppet mechanic

Ilona Abisova
sculptor and properly maker

Vera Petrova
painter and property maker

Tatiana Anuchina
shops supervisor

Irene Kirgintseva
costume maker

Alexander Koldunov
mechanical engineer

Irene Timofeeva
property master

Tatiana Solovieva
costume maker


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