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24 апреля 2023 | 3:41

Каталоги | Проспекты Периодика Каталоги | Проспекты Александр Макаров

Александр Макаров — English version

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English version




Sponsor of the exhibition: V. I. RAFAILOV

Alexander Makarov was bom on August, 11, 1952 in Berdnikovo village (Omsk region).

He went through a course of fine arts training in Graphic Arts Faculty of Omsk State Pedagogical Higher School from which he graduated in 1974.

Since that time A. Makarov has been a permanent participant of regional exhibitions. He took an active part in numerous zone, All-Union, All-Russian and other prestige exhibitions.

In 1977, in Russian House of Creative Works «Cheliuskinskaya», which has long since become a school and laboratory of plate for young artists, A. Makarov for the first time got acquainted with colour lithography, which brought him success and recognition in the capacity of a graphic artist.

Since then for a long time lithography captivated the the artist, carried him away with its unique capability to preserve vivid and spontaneous touch of pencil, timid movement of lines, expressiveness of colour.

Creative tripe to the Far East in 1985 and 1990 appreciably changed creative manner of the artist. He still keeps on working with lithography and portraiture, but he begins to pay great attention to landscape and all his time in studio the artist concentrates on searching of a new figurative and expressive language in unique mixed technique. In his works he uses water-colours, pastel, distemper, colour pencils, whiting. Besides, A. Makarov boldly introduces contrasting tone and colour where black and white are perceived as colour. In his works the artist could achieve the thinnest gradation of tone and colour, freshness of contrasting combinations, bright pictorial and figurative effect.

In mixed technique, which in its figurative basis gravitates towards painting, we feel its going out into depth, there is more space and air In it. No mere chance last time the artist paints on canvas in oils and distemper.

Just during his trips to Sakhalin he felt thirst for unusual considerable reveal of mighty Nature’s life, its rigorous and immense spaces, free and independent life.

The outlines of his creative individuality became more clearly seen with this new disposition and new landscapes for him.

Alexander Makarov is rather young and there is much to be done, but he is not afraid to be not modem, traditional and without any hesitation he went and still goes on coming along the path of realistic traditions, remaining for all by himself.

G. S. LIUBYSHEV, Art Critic

Just Had A Talk.

Happy Meeting.

Portrait of А. N. Liberov.


Hay-mowing Time.


Boats On The Shore.

Noon. In The Rocks.

The Last Ray.

Dull Day.

Wither Tree.

Quiet Evening On The Bakhur.

Sakhalin Landscape.


Dead Wood.



Peaceful Back-water.

Egor On Sakhalin.

Morning In The Mouth Of The Pugatchovka.

Old Gate.

An Incident On Sakhalin.

Portrait of N. J. Tretiakov.

Meeting In Primorie.

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